That way, you can be sure that every kill is advancing your chosen goal. A good tip for this section is to just equip everything you can as a single elemental type, including your subclass. Additionally, once you complete a section, such as Solar, it becomes locked, so you won’t lose any once it’s complete. Getting a kill with an elemental weapon looks to reward you about 4% of the total, or thereabouts, while a death will knock off about 2%, so as long as you’re managing to score a kill for every death, you should slowly progress this challenge. This s probably going to be the hardest step for most players, simply because while kills push the goal forward, deaths set you back. Really though, any shotgun will be fine as long as you’re comfortable getting right up into their faces and pulling the trigger. Perfect Paradox is a good choice, with it’s rapid-fire full-auto combination allowing for some very quick damage, but if you’re missing that then Hawthorne’s Field-Forged shotgun is another excellent choice in the Kinetic slot. This doesn’t have to be in a single game or anything, and there’s no specific game type you need to play, so grab your favorite shotgun and just have fun. The first step is to get 20 kills in the Crucible with a shotgun. Use Arc, Void, and Solar damage to kill opponents in Crucible, death sets back progress Once the quest has truly begun, there are three main steps to follow: Once the quest does drop, you’ll need to head to the Tower and speak with Amanda Holliday to kick things off.

Some players are seeing it drop after Crucible games, while others have received the quest from other activities, such as the mission to access the Dreaming City, Awakening. Starting this quest off can be a bit difficult, as it’s technically a random drop reward. If you’re looking to pick up more kills in the Crucible, this is the weapon for you. The single-slug shotgun has made its return to the franchise, and it’s just as dominant now as it was years ago. With the weapon loadout changes to Destiny 2, shotguns are all the rage once again, and none are as powerful when it comes to competitive action as the Chaperone.