#Dtu.ox.ac risk engine software#
MacOS X Risk Engine software and Excel installerĪn applications programming interface, encapsulating the Risk Engine software as an ActiveX module or as a Macintosh shared library, is available for incorporation in other software packages, subject to copyright as above.There is an installer to provide the Risk Engine library. The worksheet, which incorporates the UKPDS Risk Engine as a Microsoft Excel function, calculates risk estimates for multiple individuals with Type 2 diabetes. The Risk Engine software calculates coronary heart disease and stroke risk estimates for a single individual with Type 2 diabetes. The UKPDS Risk Engine is not a replacement for formal medical assessment and should only be used by patients in consultation with their trained medical adviser. The UKPDS Risk Engine is intended primarily for use by health care professionals to assist in the management of people with type 2 diabetes. Those seeking to incorporate any part of the UKPDS Risk Engine into other software projects must seek the permission of the copyright holders before distribution or publication of their software. It is a further condition that the software obtained from this site is not distributed further without the same conditions and copyright statements being imposed. The University may have for death or personal injury resulting from negligence. However, nothing in this statement will operate to exclude or restrict any liability which Responsibility for the use which is made of the Tool. Print option for patient handout CVD risk for any risk interval. Furthermore, the University disclaims all Commercial organisations wishing to make use of this software must first make appropriate arrangements with the copyright holders (Email: University is a charitable foundation devoted to education and research, and in order to protect its assets for the benefit of those objects, the University must make it clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of this Tool, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Oxford University Innovation Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Oxford, is the University's technology transfer company. The UKPDS Risk Engine © Oxford University Innovation Ltd 2001 is available without charge to non-commercial organisations, subject to the following copyright and conditions.