The black masses zombie
The black masses zombie

That is a simple way to do this, it could also be done via town / location and global for areas in-between if they wished to make this mechanic more complex. Thus you could not clear an area completely unless you deactivated the tower in a zone as well as in the bordering regions. To make this make sense with the other towers, so long as there are towers (regions) with active towers bordering an area they also add to the zombie total in a zone by x amount. Thus it will feel like the more you kill the less are in the area. The number of zombies that spawn in the area is reduced by x%.

the black masses zombie the black masses zombie

With the combat system of this game, melee in VR would actually work very well. So how this will work then is that once the player kills a zombie it reduces this total by x, and should the total reach certain milestones. Imagine all the blood flowing through the air in 3D, landing on your face and having your complete field of view filled with zombies. So long as the tower is active it replenishes x variable, x = zombies every y = minutes to the number of zombies in the area. So each zone seems to have a necromancer tower which can be tied to a variable for number of zombies in the area, lets say 10,000 for the first area. I like your idea, but this is another suggestion: The idea of Infinite zombies done not present a good game-play mechanic, as it is makes fighting the zombies a pointless effort with the reward being only exp which creates little motivation and a hinderance when moving through low level areas. I agree this is one of those mechanics that every zombie game from Dying Light to State of Decay have missed the mark on. anything is better than murdering a 1000-2000 zombie hoard by yourself just for them to magically be unharmed when you jump back in game the next day. or if you aren't into the whole bigger badder creatures route, then at least have the tower bosses send out dark assassins if you are killing too many possessed. then once you take out a tower boss, have any "new" possessed spawn slower, to be explained by other tower bosses trying to replenish the ranks in those areas, but can't do it as fast because of the distance.

the black masses zombie

if you want to make areas the player cleared large hoards before harder then you could make slightly larger flesh golems, or abominations (nightmarish beast-like flesh masses) if a massive hoard is cleared by players outside of the story line. for example if you want normal zombies to return to an area, then have slightly fewer numbers of a new enemy type called something like "mended possessed", and have new models that look like parts from multiple zombies have been "sewn" together. There should be an upper limit to how many zombies there are in the area, and as this game already seems to be creating a reason behind the zombies being on the island (which is all the more reason there should be an upper limit) it opens the story up to different possibilities for replenishing the ranks of zombies in an area that has already been cleared. This is one topic that I guess all zombie games fail at, as the player needs to be kept on edge at all times, but it's bad story telling in my mind.

The black masses zombie